Welcome to the website. The purpose of this website is to search the scriptures just as Jesus commanded the Pharisees. He says that they searched the scriptures because they thought in them, the scriptures, they had salvation. But that was not so, they should search the scripture because they speak of Jesus. I believe in one sentence that salvation is given by no other name except the name of Jesus, which is why Jesus told them to search the scriptures to find Him. No amount of knowledge of the law or obedience to the law could save them only faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning blood on the cross of calvary.
Proverbs 25:2 states that it is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings to search out the matter. As we are a royal priesthood, we should search out the secret things of God. The more we search out the mysteries, the more we discover layers of understanding that we did not have before.
In 2010 I lost my Dobermann after 6 years of managing her Addison’s. From that time, I started to study the Bible more extensively. I decided to do courses in Hebrew and Greek to be able to understand the original languages of the Bible.
As my studying broadened, I started writing down concepts and how I understood it. I asked questions such as ‘What is worship?’, ‘Why did God create man if He knew they would sin?’, and ‘Why did Jesus say that the “Father is greater that I.”’
This deepened my study of the Bible, and I realised that studying the Bible is not a topic or a number in the Bible or answering a pressing question, but it is all about Jesus. As He said, search the scriptures because they speak of me.
The amazing revelations that I found, prompted me to create this website to share Jesus.
Psalm 62:1
Psalms 37:4 states: “Delight in the Lord, then He will give you the desires of your heart”. This is more than sufficient reason to explore how to delight in God.
This book examines the examples of various biblical figures to discover their approach to delighting in the Lord. It defines the fundamental elements of delight – which are praise, worship and prayer – and suggests how and why it should be done. The book aims to enrich the lives of believers in their walk of faith.
The Scriptures speak of Him. John 5:39.
The comfort of the ascension of Jesus. John 14:1.
A Tale of Three Men is a thought-provoking exploration of the lives of Noah, Daniel and Job, three men who are singled out in the bible as examples of righteousness. Marlene Bredenkamp delves into the characteristics and experiences of these men, examining their obedience, faith and struggles. Through their stories, Bredenkamp seeks to answer the question of whether Noah would disobey God, if Daniel would deny God, and if Job would reject God. This book offers insights into the nature of righteousness and the challenges faced by those who strive to follow God’s path.
Psalms 37:4 states: “Delight in the Lord, then He will give you the desires of your heart”. This is more than sufficient reason to explore how to delight in God.
This book examines the examples of various biblical figures to discover their approach to delighting in the Lord. It defines the fundamental elements of delight – which are praise, worship and prayer – and suggests how and why it should be done. The book aims to enrich the lives of believers in their walk of faith.
The most quoted verse in the New Testament is John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life. “But Who is the God? In “Hallowed be His Name” Marlene Bredenkamp delves into the names of God, examining the meaning and the reason why God revealed himself through His names. The names that are discussed in this book are the blueprint of the redemption plan of God and answer the question of “What is His name and what is His Son’s name.” asked by Agur, considered to be wise enough to be included in the book of Proverbs.